Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Wedding Invitation Wording - What to Include On Your Information Cards

Today I'm carrying on with my wedding advice posts by looking at information cards with your wedding stationery.
I would say about 90% of couples who order from me now include an information card of some sort with their wedding invitations.
Many couples have guests coming from further afield or to venues which are unknown to them and a bit of extra information is almost mandatory so your guests feel they have everything they need to know without harassing the bride and groom every five seconds with phone calls!

Here are my top things to consider including in your information card wording ...

1. Full Addresses of the Venues
Including postcodes for Sat Navs

2. Directions
Try to include directions from the nearest motorway or main A road. Your venues website will often have good succinct directions on their websites rather than copying each individual instruction from a Google Maps direction search.

3. Accommodation
If guests are coming from further afield a list of nearby recommended accommodation will be helpful. Alternatively you may want to let them know they have a room reserved at your venue.

4. Travel
Guests who are flying in will want to know best airlines to book flights with and the nearest airport to fly in to. You may also want to add details of local train stations for those not driving.

5. Taxis
A list of local taxi firms so people can book taxis back to their accommodation or homes in the evening can be helpful

6. Gifts
Guests will want to know what sort of gift is appropriate so give details of your gift list, honeymoon fund, charitable donations or let them know that gifts aren't necessary at all.

7. Cash
Its always an idea to let your guests know whether or not they will need to bring money along for a cash bar if your venue doesn't accept credit cards or if there isn't a cashpoint machine nearby.

8. Itinerary
Its possible - mainly for weddings abroad or weddings that last the whole weekend - that you may want to give your guests some idea of a running order as to where they are expected to be and what is happening on each day.

9. Wedding Websites
Details of a wedding website you may have for them to find out more detailed information

10. Dress code

11. Time
Usually in the main wording of the invitation the time given will be the time the ceremony starts. However, you may want to give your guests a time to arrive by on your information card so you don't get any stragglers!

12. Children
The big one! If you are not allowing children at your wedding you should include this information on your information card. Many parents will assume their child is invited even if their name is not printed on the invitation so its always best to make it clear here.
There are many ways of wording this so as not to cause offence. Here are a few of my favourites...

"We are sorry but due to restriction of numbers at our venue we are unable to invite children to our wedding."

"We are sorry but due to restriction of numbers at our venue we are only able to invite children of immediate family only."

"In order to allow all guests, including parents, an evening of relaxation we have chosen for our wedding day to be an adult only occasion. We hope this advance notice means you are still able to share our big day and will enjoy having the day/evening off!"

I hope this helps when it comes to the wording for your wedding information cards. Not all of the information above needs to be included and obviously you have to bear in mind that there can be a limited amount of space on a standard information card, but extra information cards can always be purchased if necessary.

Nikki x

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